Welcome to the SEL Resource Hub
Are you looking for an SEL activity you can use for tomorrow’s lesson? Are you thinking about implementing a mentorship program for English learners or freshman students? Are you trying to build support for SEL among your colleagues? You can find resources to answer questions like these—and more—on this page. Welcome to the SEL Resource Hub.
You’ll find over 100 SEL resources that teachers, district staff and the SEL in Action Team have created or recommended based on their own experience implementing these practices in classrooms, schools and districts. SEL in Action award recipients shared many of these reusable resources here in the hopes that other educators—folks like you—can use them to deepen and extend SEL in more schools and districts across the country.
You can search the Resource Hub using over 30 different filters. Here’s how:
- Click on one of the filters below. You can filter resources based on audience, methods, school types, student populations served, subject areas and resource types.
- After you click on one of the filters, the page will update and show the resources that correspond with the selected filter.
- Click the “reset filter” button to view all resources again.
All resources added to the Resource Hub in the 2021-2022 school year and beyond meet the following criteria for an equitable SEL resource.*
An equitable SEL resource:
- ensures safe and inclusive learning environments that are respectful and affirming of diverse identities
- recognizes and incorporates student cultural values, practices, and assets
- fosters positive identity development
- promotes student agency and voice
- explicitly addresses issues of bias, power, inequality
- rethinks discipline in a way that accounts for power, privilege and culture, and recognizes the interrelatedness of student and adult social and emotional competencies
- centers relationships in a way that highlights the foundational need to be in deep and sincere community with one another
* These criteria were adapted from Regional Education Laboratory and Frontiers in Education and have been reviewed by the NoVo Educator Advisory Group
Please explore the hub and try these resources in your own classrooms and schools. Then let us know how it goes! You can email questions or feedback to resourcehub@education-first.com.