Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
At LAAAE, we want an Advisory curriculum that is created by the community, for the community. It changes year to year based on community needs and desires. As a school who just transitioned to in-person learning after a year and a half of being in distance learning there is currently a high need for youth to develop SEL competencies in all 5 areas of the CASEL framework. To ensure we give our students the best support possible we seek to create an SEL advisory committee that consists of various members of our school community (counselor, students, teachers and parents). The committee will work together to identify needs of students and based on those needs build SEL advisory content. By incorporating various stakeholders we seek to incorporate the 5 elements of CASEL from different paradigms.
An SEL Advisory curriculum will have lasting impact, as students are learning important life skills often overlooked in other classes. Although it is the expectation, there is little to no time to teach students self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.In addition to teaching students soft skills, it is also a class where students get to take a break from dense, content-heavy curriculums and build community within the class and throughout the school. To complement the curriculum we would also implement field trips with r team building activities that promote increased feelings of tolerance and social perspective taking (beach day, museum, etc.).

Patricia Rice
We know that middle school is a crucial time. As students encounter and struggle with social and emotional changes that... June 2023Read Story
Sam Burhoe
Looking forward with the LEAF Out Loud project at LEAF Charter School, we seek to amplify the voices of students... June 2023Read Story
Samantha Bonanno
Our project will be to expand on the work we did last year. We've written the curriculum and implemented it.... June 2023Read Story
Sarah Said
JEDI leaders will lead the charge in amplifying student voice at EMSA in regards to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.... June 2023Read Story
Susan Mertz
Even prior to the tumult of the past two years, students at Evergreen Community Charter School were affected by societal... June 2023Read Story
Linda Lee
Purpose of the California Indigenous Culture Bearer Program works to help students learn, connect with, and take on the perspective... June 2023Read Story
Kezena Brown
This is a new oral history project in which a team of professors, S2 staff, S2 alumni and current S2... June 2023Read Story
Baionne Coleman
Rainier Valley Leadership will impact middle and senior high school scholars teaching them the history and culture behind Indigenous circle... June 2023Read Story