Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Early College of Arvada is excited to better support students in grades 6-10 and parents/guardians by developing a proactive Dropout Prevention Program that will be facilitated through a case management/SEL Advocacy approach for students who are identified as most at-risk of dropping out of or being expelled from school. The program will be designed and implemented with support from Generation Schools Network, a national, award-winning, non-profit, educational services organization. They will serve as a key collaborative partner in the same manner that it has successfully supported drop-out prevention programming in 14 rural Colorado school districts with positive results.

Anne Stinson
The SHOES Program (Scholars Helping Out Early Scholars) is an after-school cross-age peer mentoring program. The program will train middle... December 2020Read Story
Julie Law-Marin
EQ Ambassadors at John F. Kennedy High School will work in conjunction with staff members to develop a sustaining SEL... December 2020Read Story
Jeff Austin
Pre-COVID-19, in the first week of school, students and teachers play group games and build strong relationships with our EduCare... December 2020Read Story
Juan Reyes
This project will expand the Valores program—a comprehensive initiative aimed at building positive and resilient student behaviors. Valores is the... December 2020Read Story
Sarah Barnes
The Opportunity Adventure Program provides a safe space for our students experiencing significant trauma to develop the social-emotional skills necessary... December 2020Read Story
Joshua Augustus
By age 14, girls are dropping out of sports at two times the rate of boys. The goal of this... December 2020Read Story
Margaret Hicks
“Get L.I.T.” Literature Circles will extend beyond the classroom and foster positive relationships for students, school staff and families. The... December 2020Read Story
Shannon Scott
CIHS will work to connect with our new Freshmen during a COVID related crisis in order to create SEL supports... December 2020Read Story