Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Our plan is to introduce stronger social and emotional learning in our school through implementing the school-wide use of restorative practices in both Spanish and English.
Here at Arco Iris, our goal is to create fluent Spanish speakers through immersion. Because our school is made up of students from an array of cultures from kindergarten to 8th grade, it is critical for the emotional development of our students that they learn to understand each other and express themselves respectfully. Through social and emotional learning practices, we can promote cultural competency, healthy self-expression and conflict mitigation between all of our students.

Taya Oelze
Ellen Ochoa Elementary is a title one, community school that houses many students from hard places. With this grant, we... September 2019Read Story
Pamela Reed
The Civic Engagement and Writing Lab at CCPSG creates a community that values girls of color, those who are often... September 2019Read Story
Jill Merolla
Warren City Schools' 'Girlhood: Uninterrupted' is a year-long targeted social and emotional program that will support our young ladies who... September 2019Read Story
Debbie Holecko
We will hold SEL Community Days that feature keynote speakers and break-out sessions focused on various SEL-related topics from which... September 2019Read Story
Catherine Keppers
Findlay High School's Gay-Straight Alliance, or GSA, is a student led club that supports LGBTQIA+ identified students and their allies.... September 2019Read Story
Sara Oliveiri
Our project, 'STRAIGHT OUTTA THE WOODS!: Planting Seeds of Compassion, Inquiry, Tenacity, Integrity and Self-Discipline,' takes 10 struggling middle school... September 2019Read Story
Maritza Santana
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Mambo Tse
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story