The SEL Blog
In the Treehaven experience, teens learn how animals adapt to survive in their environment and develop respect for the awesome power and delicate balance of nature. They come to see themselves as part of a global web of life. Students cultivate love for all living things, including other people. They challenge themselves physically and mentally, overcoming fears and preconceived notions about their capabilities. They experience the thrill and natural high of a vigorous athletic challenge. They develop self-reliance and confidence. Treehaven participants describe themselves as changed by the experience. Some even report that Treehaven was the first time in years that they felt completely stress-free. The Treehaven experience has a ripple effect beyond the immediate participants. Treehaven "graduates" become thought leaders at Vanguard and help change the school atmosphere for the better. The patience, camaraderie and sense of inner calm they have attained make the Treehaven cohort a positive influence on others.