Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Chattanoogans in Action for Love, Equality, and Benevolence (CALEB) is working to combat the school to prison pipeline by addressing the disparities in exclusionary discipline practices such as expulsions and suspensions that disproportionately impact low-income and minority communities. Data from the Tennessee Department of Education and Hamilton County Schools indicates that Black students are four times more likely to receive suspensions than white students. In 2019, HCS was reprimanded by the state's education department for inequitable disciplinary treatment of minority students and those with disabilities. These facts speak to the need for discipline reform in Hamilton County Schools. As an alternative to exclusionary discipline practices, we are promoting the use of restorative practices. By funding several whole-school implementations of restorative practices, we hope to gather data that can be used to show the effectiveness of these reforms and encourage community stakeholders, including district leaders to support and fund a whole-district implementation of restorative practices in Hamilton County Schools.

Jill Merolla
Girl Power 2.0 continues the work of our former grant, "Girlhood Uninterrupted" that provided gender-focused outreach at our four PK-8... October 2021Read Story
Jennifer Pieroni
APS teachers will develop an arts curriculum that infuses SEL practices into the process of art and music-making. The curriculum... October 2021Read Story
Jennifer Jones
We will expand the integration and understanding of CRT and trauma-informed practices (TIP) through intentional and comprehensive professional development (PD)... October 2021Read Story
Jean Roberts
Students learn and practice mindfulness strategies and healthy plant-based diets while exploring green spaces in the Chicagoland area using principles... October 2021Read Story
Jaime MacEwen
“Thinking Outside the Classroom: Integrating Adventure Education at Cumberland Regional” will support the development of SEL awareness and competencies in... October 2021Read Story
Jabaria Dent
Abbie's Girls is a mentoring program for girls that focuses on helping them clarify their values as young women while... October 2021Read Story
Hope Hanscom
Mashpee Public Schools' (MPS) Portrait of a Graduate states that all MPS graduates will be purposeful communicators and collaborators, engaged... October 2021Read Story
Genevieve Postlethwait
The Remix will bring together an intersectional group of 8th graders to "remix" our community's conversations surrounding diversity/equity/inclusion + racism/discrimination/oppression.... October 2021Read Story